Friday, February 21, 2020

Challenges And Benefits Of Mammalian Cloning Essay

Challenges And Benefits Of Mammalian Cloning - Essay Example This is indeed, far from reality! Daily life experiences we go through and the environment we are brought up in play a decisive role in making us what we are irrespective of our genetic similarity with a parent or a sibling. Another big challenge in the way of mammalian cloning is the widespread conception among people that cloned mammals are perfect and that all weaknesses have been weeded out from them. This, again is nothing more than another theory about mammalian cloning that is frequently referred to by the opponents of cloning. Last, but not the least, mammalian cloning is threatened by people’s religious beliefs and practices. Practicing people from many religions are simply against the idea of mammalian cloning because they consider it to be fundamentally the expertise of God, and believe that no human can or should make an attempt to cross the limits. Although many of the generally believed theories about mammalian cloning are far from reality, yet they have posed ma ny hurdles in the way of research and development in the field of mammalian cloning and implementation of the techniques thus found. Benefits: According to Dr. Richard Seed who is a leading proponent of the technology of mammalian cloning, knowledge about cloning has been developed to such an extent that methods may soon be developed that would not only retard the process of aging in mammals, but also reverse it (â€Å"Benefits Of Human†).

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

What and why do americans need the fda What are all the benefits of Research Paper

What and why do americans need the fda What are all the benefits of the FDA PROs of the fda - Research Paper Example FDA is a federal agency headed by a commissioner who is appointed by the President of the US (Whittaker and Walter, The Purpose par. 1). Its precursor agency was the Food, Drug, and Insecticide Administration which was reorganized from the Bureau of Chemistry in 1927 (Lee and Sprague, History par. 3). In 1930, the name of the agency was changed to Food and Drug Administration (par. 3). It was said to protect not only the interest of the consumers but also the pharmacology industry due to some complexities that it has encountered in the process of regulation (Jacobs and Carson-Dewitt par. 1). The earliest functions of the FDA were set forth in the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act of 1938 which was passed after the poisoning of more than a hundred people from a drug sold by a Tennessee-based company (Lee and Sprague, History par. 3). The Act mandated that all drugs should pass the FDA approval before being released into the market (par. 3). Moreover, FDA was required to provide a set of safety standards for food and drugs, and that drugs should contain detailed labels and proper instructions for use (par. 3). Its scope of functions increased with the passage of other laws (e.g. Food Additives Amendment of 1958, Drug Abuse Control Amendments of 1965, 1976 Medical Devices Amendments) (par. 5). One-fourth of all the products in the US market are regulated by FDA as of 2008 (Lee and Sprague, FDA Approvals par. 3). Pharmaceutical firms are allowed by law to advertise their products which may not be accurate since adverts are made to exaggerate in order to convince consumers to buy their products. The FDA has the power to regulate the contents of the advertisements so that only a â€Å"balanced perspective† will be presented to consumers and end-users (DiLascio, FDA Regulations par. 1). Pharmaceuticals firms have also resorted to the DTC strategy in marketing their products. DTC refers to the Direct-to-Consumer approach that tends to reach consumers directly through