Thursday, December 26, 2019

Essay about On Emotion and Value in David Hume and Max...

On Emotion and Value in David Hume and Max Scheler ABSTRACT: While some philosophers tend to exclude any significance of emotion for the moral life, others place them in the center of both the moral life and the theory of value judgment. This paper presents a confrontation of two classic positions of the second type, namely the position of Hume and Scheler. The ultimate goal of this confrontation is metatheoretical — particularly as it concerns the analysis of the relations between the idea of emotion and the idea of value in this kind of theory of value judgment. In conclusion, I point to some important theoretical assumptions which underlie the positions of both thinkers despite all the other differences between them. In at least†¦show more content†¦Hume on Passion and Value The relation between passion and value in Humes philosophy has been repeatedly discussed. (3) In contrast to some contemporary writers, Hume devoted a lot of effort and space to the theory of passion before presenting his, based on emotion moral theory, in Book III of the Treatise. (4) However, as I believe, Humes philosophy on the whole, contains not one, but two theories of passion. One of them is a theory of the genesis of passions from pains and pleasures. The second theory, on the other hand, refers to the group of passions which are after N. Kemp Smith called primary passions; and I will call it the descriptive theory of passion. The Treatise is dominated almost exclusively by the theory of genesis but the role of the descriptive theory in Enquiries is more important, and particularly in those places where Hume argues against hedonism and egoism in his theory of motivation. On the theory of genesis, passions are produced from pains and pleasures either directly or indirectly which, as it is well known, leads to Humes distinction between direct and indirect passions. According to the descriptive theory, however, the situation is quite different. In their existence, the primary passions do not depend on pleasures and pains, on the contrary, pains and pleasures are produced by them. There is an interesting tension between these two theories in Humes philosophy but this problem cannot be discussed here.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

The Death Penalty Essay - 892 Words

As of January 1, 2010, 3,261 people live on death row (â€Å"Death†). Fewer than 3,261 people live in my small town of Belle Plaine, so to me this number is outrageous. Inmates that wait on the death penalty jail create a problem for everyone in the country. If we would put these inmates through the death penalty quickly, we could take the problem away from the country. Why do we keep murderers and criminals on death row around? People argue the controversial topic of the death penalty very thoroughly, and address all sides. On one side people argue that we would save money and the death penalty sets an example for other criminals, while on the opposition people argue that life without parole is cheaper, capital punishment is morally†¦show more content†¦The money spent on prisoners each year adds up, and with the economy being at a low these last few years, why would we want the government to have to pay that kind of money for these criminals? Along with the c osts of prison, the cost of court for the government is added in on top for each inmate’s court case. Some people think that just because the government is going to court that they do not have to pay any money, which in fact a false statement. For a life without parole case, it will cost the government $1.2 to $3.6 million dollars more than a death penalty court case (Sharp). Court costs are so much because life without parole cases can be lengthy and last for years. People who like the thought of life without parole would rather see criminals put in jail for life instead of killed. Also, people argue that the death penalty is more expensive because of the court cost which is in fact not true. As I have shown, the life without parole cases cost millions more than a death penalty case. When addressing the death penalty, the morality of the death penalty is a big part of the argument. I agree that killing a person is wrong and should not be done, but is that not why the death row inmates are on death row? The people who do not want the death penalty say that killing a person is morally wrong. Their argument is very understandable; likewise I argue that death row inmates made the choice for themselves. The majority of death row inmates went out andShow MoreRelatedThe Death Penalty Is Justified1143 Words   |  5 PagesAllison Shu 2/25/16 Period 2 Objective paper on the death penalty Capital punishment is legally authorized killing as punishment for a crime. The death penalty questions the morality of killing a person as justification for their crime. It also brings to question whether the death penalty actually serves as a deterrent for crime, and that some of the people executed are found innocent afterwards. The debates over the constitutionality of the death penalty and whether capital punishment should be usedRead MoreThe Death Penalty For Juveniles946 Words   |  4 Pages The death penalty for minors differs greatly from the death penalty for adult. The law that minor could be put on death row was decided to rule against the eighth amendment. The eighth amendment prohibits the act of â€Å"cruel and unusual punishment† which putting minors on death row breaks. On March 4, 2005 the law that minors could not be put on death row for their actions was set into place. The new laws say, â€Å"They cannot punish a minor by death penalty and they cannot punish someone for a crimeRead MorePro Death Penalty Speech1482 Words   |  6 Pagesintroduce myself before we get started. My name is Slick Perry and if you didn’t already know, I am the state governor of Texas. You are all aware that we are reviewing our recidivism rate to various crimes and reviewing our stance regarding the death penalty as we approach 2009. Everyone here understands that capital punishment is a very controversial topic in the United States. In Texas, from December 1982 through August 2008, only 361 criminals of the millions of Texans in our good state were executedRead MoreShould The Death Penalty Be Mandatory?925 Words   |  4 Pagesopinions on the subject. When we were discussing the death penalty although my opinion didn’t change, after hearing what some of my classmates had to say about the subject during our lab I was able to respectfully see why they had those thoughts and feelings about the subject. I believe that we should have the death penalty, and that it helps prevents more crime from happening. However, during our lab students that thought we should ban the death penalty had some pretty interesting reasons behind theirRead MoreThe Truth About The Death Penalty973 Words   |  4 Pages In her article â€Å"The Truth About The Death Penalty†, Carina Kolodny argues that the death penalty should be abolished in all fifty states due to the fact that it is ineffective and very expensive. Kolodny believes that capital punishment has too many complications and variables that cause it be more of an issue than a real solution for capital offenses. She proposes that the death penalty should be dropped and exchanged for better programs such as Proposition 34, which replaces capital punishmentRead MoreThe Death Penalty Should Be Legal1805 Words   |  8 Pagesthat we all know is the death penalty. This penalty has been going around for years. To many people it might be the best way of punishing a person. On the other hand there are people who think that if you kill a person you should be sentenced to die as well. For me I would say it might not be the best way and it not working as many would like it. When choosing if you are for the death penalty you have to okay with an insect person dyeing or even a family member being in death row. I know that is somethingRead MoreThe Death Penalty : An Effective Reliable Tool904 Words   |  4 Pagesthe death penalty has been a frequent topic of discussion, as our recent technological advancements have evidently led individuals to consider the â€Å"new found† legitimacy of our court systems, as statistics display that our previous racial bias and the apparent morality of the practice itself have a miniscule impact on our conviction rate. Both the advancements and ethics that the death penalty provides become apparent through the utilization of anecdotes and statistics, as the death penalty has prevailedRead MoreThe Bible and Death Penalty Essay example812 Words   |  4 Pagesa person’s view of the Bible influence what they think about the death penalty for murderers.† I would like to see if a person’s view of the bible influence what they think of the death penalty. This is interesting to me because I am interested in the field of criminal justice and the death penalty is a huge topic to this day. There are many journals that talk about studies that were done on religion and views of the death penalty which have to do with my topic of interest. My hypothesis is thatRead More The Death Penalty Is Archaic and Immoral Essays559 Words   |  3 Pages The death penalty is simply a modernized version of the Holy Bible’s â€Å"an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, a hand for a hand, a foot for a foot†. Some argue that death is a necessary retribution for murderous cases - but is it effective morally? Revenge only glorifies violence, which is most definitely not the message the world strives to display. The death penalty is a negative form of punishment and insinuates a harsh reflection of society economically, politically, and socially. Read MoreThe Death Penalty : Land Of The Brave, Free, And Murder1065 Words   |  5 PagesJulianna Lorey Professor Jackyra English Comp II 18 March 2016 The Death Penalty: Land of the Brave, Free, and Murder Capital punishment has been in the United States long before the country was formed. Influenced by Great Britain in the 17th century, settlers brought over the idea of government sanctioned murder, and even now, over 400 years later, the majority of the United States is still in favour. With thirty one states currently practicing or allowing the law to remain on the books, the message

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Leadership Mobile Network Company

Question: Discuss about theLeadershipfor Mobile Network Company. Answer: Introduction Vodafone is a large mobile network company. According to the research paper, it came to know that they started a project about transforming the global supply chain function of the Vodafone Company. Mr. Detlef Schultz is the leader of this project team. He already has an experience of 26 years in this field. He is an efficient leader for this project. Mr. Detlef Schultz always encourages and gives a great support to his team member individually as a good listener to the ideas of their team members, as a good communicator and by giving direct appreciation and respect to their contributions towards fulfilling the job and achieving the organizational goals ("The Relationship Between Neurotic Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, And Worker Attitudes"). Mr. Detlef Schultz always has a clear idea about his work. For this reason, Mr. Detlef Schultz is always able to communicate positively with his team members and is easily capable of motivating his team me mbers towards the3 target of achieving the organizational goals. He also gives a great support to his team member as a good listener, good communicator and by respecting and encouraging their innovative ideas for achieving the goals more efficiently and effectively (Stempel, Rigotti and Mohr 259-280). For his efficient leadership style or process, the Vodafone Company achieve success on this project. The most important factor behind this success is Mr. Detlef Schultzs interpersonal skills. That is why in the year 2011 he was awarded by Procurement Leader Award. There are 5 types of leadership styles which are exist and utilized by the leaders, managers, etc. in various work environments or organizations. The 5 types of leadership styles are 1) Participative, 2) Autocratic, 3) Laissez-Faire, 4) Transactional and 5) Transformational. According to this research paper, it is seen that the transformational leadership style is appropriate for Mr. Detlef Schultz to adopt at the time of performing the global chain function of Vodafone. This type of leadership style that is the transformational leadership generally depends on the advancement of high-quality communication in the managerial field to meet the targets and achieve the organizational goals. In this type of leadership style, the leaders inspire and motivate their employees. For this reason, the working efficiency and the productivity both are increased rapidly. In this type of leadership style, the most important requirement is the participation and attachment of the management team to mee t the targets and achieve the organizational goals (Antonakis and House 746-771). Generally, the leader and their team are bound to stay together along with the personality and vision of the leader. This personality and vision of the leader will leave a positive impact on their team which helps the leader to acquire or gather respect, trust and high regard or admiration. Some of the times the transformational leadership style is shown like the combination of Democratic leadership and Autocratic leadership. The term autocratic is used because the whole team is working hard in a given tasks to achieve the common goal of the organizations. The team members are also allowed to give their opinions to achieve that particular goal. Mr. Detlef Schultz encourages his team members to enhance their creativity in their jobs and motivate them to achieve the goals (de Vries 809-821). According to this case study, Mr. Detlef Schultz always encourages and gives a great support to his team member in dividually as a good listener to the ideas of their team members, as a good communicator and by giving direct appreciation and respect to their contributions towards fulfilling the job and achieving the organizational goals. Mr. Detlef Schultz always has a clear idea about his work. For this reason, Mr. Detlef Schultz is always able to communicate positively with his team members and is easily capable of motivating his team members towards the3 target of achieving the organizational goals. According to the case study, Mr. Detlef Schultz becomes the role mole of their team member and easily gathered their trust and respect (Goldsmith, Baldoni, and McArthur). For this reason, it becomes easy for Mr. Detlef Schultz to communicate with his team members without any hesitation and motivate them to achieve their expected goals. Therefore according to this research paper, it can be said that the transformational leadership style is suitable for Mr. Detlef Schultz because he always encourage s his team members to enhance their creativity in their jobs and motivate them to achieve the goals. He also gives a great support to his team member as a good listener, good communicator and by appreciating their innovative ideas for achieving the goals more efficiently and effectively. Mr. Detlef Schultz inspires and motivates their employees (Hamad). For this reason, the working efficiency of the team members and the productivity level both are increased rapidly. According to the research paper, it can be said that Mr. Detlef Schultz will require Cramer's seven skill of leadership or managing the supply chain transformational project which is launched by Vodafone make it a great success. In the recent days, the organizations like Vodafone are getting more smarter than before about to improve their working style, to improve their professional skills and the interactions which occur between the employees or the team members. It is the fact that most of the leaders of any organization are affected by the lack of critical skills (Hawkins). Those leaders are unaware about how they should communicate with their employees or team members properly. Those leaders also dont know how they should listen and appreciate their employees or team members. According to this research paper, Mr. Detlef Schultz is already aware of this skills that why he always maintain a good relationship with his team members and can able to built an efficient team to fulfill t he work and achieve a great success for Vodafone which can help them to meet their goals. A company always faces some critical problems or issues due to transformational leadership are basically known as Transformational problems (Jogulu 705-719). Before the joining of Mr. Detlef Schultz, the Vodafone Company also face such type of transformational problems. This type of issues that is the transformational problems are generally related to the culture, behavior and attitudes of the company towards their clients, customers and employees also. According to the research paper, Mr. Detlef Schultz is a transformational leader. Like other transformational leaders, he must have a clear vision or picture about the interests of the Vodafone Companys stakeholders. Like other transformational leaders, Mr. Detlef Schultz always wants that the company should succeed. He takes the success of the Vodafone Company personally. For that reason, he always creates a working pressure and pushes his team members to complete the project (Sethuraman and Suresh). As an efficient leader, it is not appropriate and accepted that he should consider company's success as his own success. As a transformational leader, Mr. Detlef Schultz always inspires and motivate his team members and explain to them that how should they able to improve their performance by the help of education and training. Like another transformational leader Mr. Detlef Schultz sometimes take some risks for achieving the innovation ("Leadership Styles" 177). However, sometimes too much risk which is taken by the leader can be harmful and disruptive to the organization. The transformational leaders trained their team members to work all together as a team but the leaders always focus on the individual needs of the team members. According to the research study Mr. Detlef Schultz also conscious about the individual needs of the team members. For this reason, some of the times the balance of the group needs get hampered. Due to this reason sometimes the working efficiency and the productivity of the work is decreased. Conclusion After analyzing the entire research paper it can be concluded that no doubt Mr. Detlef Schultz is a good and efficient leader. For his high-level interpersonal skills the Vodafone Company achieve success on their project of transforming the supply chain. Mr. Detlef Schultz nicely guides and trained his team members that they should able to provide efficient and effective outcomes of the project. Mr. Detlef Schultz encourages his team members to enhance their creativity in their jobs and motivate them to achieve the goals. Mr. Detlef Schultz always maintains a good relationship with his team members and can able to built an efficient team to fulfill the work and achieve a great success for Vodafone which can help them to meet their goals. References Antonakis, J., and House, R. (2014). Instrumental leadership: Measurement and extension of transformationaltransactional leadership theory.The Leadership Quarterly, 25(4), pp.746-771. de Vries, R. (2012). Personality predictors of leadership styles and the selfother agreement problem.The Leadership Quarterly, 23(5), pp.809-821. Goldsmith, M., Baldoni, J. and McArthur, S. (2010).The AMA handbook of leadership. New York: American Management Association. Hamad, H. (2015). Transformational Leadership Theory: Why Military Leaders are More Charismatic and Transformational?.IJL, 3(1). Hawkins, P. (2011).Leadership team coaching. London: Kogan Page. Jogulu, U. (2010). Culturally?linked leadership styles.Leadership Organization Development Journal, 31(8), pp.705-719. Leadership styles. (2011).Dental Abstracts, 56(4), p.177. Sethuraman, K., and Suresh, J. (2014). Effective Leadership Styles.IBR, 7(9). Stempel, C., Rigotti, T. and Mohr, G. (2015). Think transformational leadership - Think female?.Leadership, 11(3), pp.259-280. The Relationship Between Neurotic Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, and Worker Attitudes. (2016).ESJ, 12(22).

Monday, December 2, 2019

Theory Of Constraints Essay Research Paper This free essay sample

Theory Of Constraints Essay, Research Paper This book teaches you the thoughts and cognition for a extremist concern theory called the Theory of Constraints. This is a method to better production procedures. The reading is entertaining because it is written as a novel. It tells the narrative of a works director who has to better his concern in a limited clip. If he fails, the works will shutdown. The premiss is that Alex, a mill director, is given an ultimatum # 8212 ; dramatically better the public presentation of his mill in three months, or the installation will be shut down. Believing that traditional betterment schemes will neer do adequate difference in such a short clip, Alex must fall back to more despairing steps. He tracks down an old professor, now working as a adviser, and begs for advice. The advice of this adviser, Jonah, sets Alex and his squad, on a journey. We will write a custom essay sample on Theory Of Constraints Essay Research Paper This or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Alternatively of merely giving them the replies, Jonah asks them inquiries, and refuses to give more aid until each inquiry has been answered. Some of the lessons of the book include the undermentioned. When you are productive you are carry throughing something in footings of your ends. Every action that brings a company closer to its end is productive. The end of a fabrication organisation is to do money. Because of variableness, a mill can non be run at 100 % of capacity. Or, as Jonah says, ? the closer you come to a balanced works, the closer you come to bankruptcy. ? One of the biggest jobs in bettering your mill is roll uping the right information. Alex finally concludes that? we # 8217 ; re traveling to hold to accept the fact that we # 8217 ; re non traveling to hold perfect informations to work with. ? ? An hr lost at the constriction is an hr doomed for the full system? The existent cost of a constriction is the entire disbursal of the system, divided by the figure of hours the constriction produces. ? This suggests pull offing constrictions really closely. This thought has spawned legion consulting and package houses since the book was published. Non-bottlenecks do non necessitate to be regulated so closely, and should non be operated to maximise use. Jonah says that? triping a non-bottleneck to its upper limit is an act of maximal stupidity. ?

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

College Essay on Rosa Parks

College Essay on Rosa Parks College Essay on Rosa Parks There are people whose role in the history of the mankind cannot be underestimated. There are people to whom we are grateful for the way the world we live in looks like. One of those people is Rosa Parks. She is notable for an action which led to the racial equality nowadays. This action seems ordinary nowadays, but at that time, in 1955, it was an act of disobedience to the laws of that time, that were unfair from her point of view. It all happened on December 1, 1955 in Montgomery, Alabama. At that time, the first four seats were reserved for white people, and when they were all occupied, a black person from the seats behind the first four had to give up their seat to a white passenger. What Rosa Parks did was to refuse to give up her seat to a white man saying she thought she was not obliged to do that. As a result, she was arrested afterwards. Actually, this was not the first incident of this kind. But this was the first one that received much publicity. Rosa Parks was soon bailed out of prison, but she convinced herself that this was the last time she would be humiliated in the public transport. Her friend Edgar Nixon, the president of Montgomery chapter of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People, decided to use this situation to start a bus boycott in Montgomery. The aim was to abolish segregation laws at least in the public transport in Montgomery. The boycott lasted for 381 days, and in 1956 the Supreme Court deemed that the segregation on the public transport was unconstitutional. Rosa Parks is regarded to be the â€Å"Mother of Civil Rights Movement.† However she feels a little bit modest about it: â€Å"Four decades later I am still uncomfortable with the credit given to me for starting the bus boycott. I would like (people) to know I was not the only person involved. I was just one of many who fought for freedom.† (History Learning Site) A lot of people were fighting for equal rights in the USA at that time. However it was Rosa Parks who had become a popular figure, the one who inspired the following actions that are now called the Civil Rights Movement. Actually, Martin Luther King was a baptist pastor at that time, but after he found out about Rosas brave action, he became one of the leaders of Montgomery Bus Boycott. Now we know Martin Luther King for his contribution to the establishing of the race equality in the USA, as well as throughout the world, his famous speech titled â€Å"I have a dream† is cited as one of the best speeches that call for racial equality. We dont want to underestimate the role of people like Martin Luther King or Ella Baker. But it was actually Rosa Parks who was courageous enough to be the first one to rise in rebellion against inequality. Rosa Parks. 2014. Web. At custom writing company you can buy a college paper  online. Our professional writers will prepare a great-quality college essay  for you.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essays

A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essays A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essay A Leader is Nothing Without His Followers Essay In the June of 1941, Adolf Hitler commenced the killing of many Jews within Germany. Some would not sympathize with him and will say he is a heartless man. However, due to the fact that many Jews have been big business owners back then and have had many advantages over the rest of society. A marxist, whose theory states that â€Å"the workers(the poor, the proletariat) could overthrow the owners(the rich, the bourgeoisie)†(social class/marxist criticism), would feel a little bit more sympathetic towards Hitler for his action. Some marxist, can view Hitler’s action as a way of overthrowing the bourgeoisie. A similar situation, where the rich takes advantage of the poor, can be seen within Arthur Miller’s play, Death of a Salesman. A marxist will view Willy Loman, the protagonist of the play, as a victim of commercial success, which is unfair, distractive, and destructive. WIthin modern society, Donald Trump is regarded as a very successful business man, but for him to become successful he has cheated many companies and banks, just so that he can become successful. As seen in Miller’s play, Biff Loman and Willy Loman are used like objects by their bosses at some point in their lives. When Biff tries to go and borrow some money from his former boss, Bill Oliver, to start a business, Bill â€Å"didn’t remember who [Biff] was or anything†(Miller 81). As seen here Bill has used Biff in the past and now he does not even regard Biff as anything. Furthermore, Willy, whom works for Howard, has also been treated like an object by his boss. Willy’s â€Å"job is a job without pay†(Miller 74). Howard is not even willing to pay Willy, who has â€Å"put thirty-four years into [Howard’s firm]†(Miller 61). Howard’s action shows one that Willy is clearly being used as a stepping stone so that Howard and his firm can become successful. One must not take advantage of the poor and ignore them afterwards, as Willy describes, â€Å"you can’t eat

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Comparing Emerson and Thoreau Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Comparing Emerson and Thoreau - Essay Example consistency [which] is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by little statesmen and philosophers and divines† (Emerson) and independence which is free from any unwarranted neediness that enables one to appreciate existence better as articulated by Thoreau. Emerson begun the transcendentalist thought by urging people to seek solitude to be attuned with their own self. Emerson urges to be your own genius, that is, â€Å"to believe your own thought, to believe that what is true for you in your private heart is true for all men† and not to fall prey to the coercion of society to conform, which according to Emerson is the â€Å"hobgoblin of little minds† that conspires against the manhood of every one of its members (Emerson, ___). This can be accomplished by freeing oneself from living a â€Å"simple lifestyle† that is devoid from the trappings which the society impose. For Thoreau in his Economy book Walden, he clearly defined simplicity as by reducing his desire. Thus, in his Walden Pond experiment, he embarked on his social experiment that would give him a clearer insight about life and appreciate the experience of existence better through a grounded living. To paraphrase Thoreau in his intent to live in the woods of Concored; "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately, to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived. I did not wish to live what was not life, living is so dear; nor did I wish to practise resignation, unless it was quite necessary. I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of life, to live so sturdily and Spartan-like as to put to rout all that was not life, to cut a broad swath and shave close, to drive life into a corner, and reduce it to its lowest terms". In essence, Thoreau argued that by living simply, he was able to â€Å"suck out all the marrow of life† because he is able to appreciate it more in the