Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Leadership Mobile Network Company

Question: Discuss about theLeadershipfor Mobile Network Company. Answer: Introduction Vodafone is a large mobile network company. According to the research paper, it came to know that they started a project about transforming the global supply chain function of the Vodafone Company. Mr. Detlef Schultz is the leader of this project team. He already has an experience of 26 years in this field. He is an efficient leader for this project. Mr. Detlef Schultz always encourages and gives a great support to his team member individually as a good listener to the ideas of their team members, as a good communicator and by giving direct appreciation and respect to their contributions towards fulfilling the job and achieving the organizational goals ("The Relationship Between Neurotic Leadership Styles, Transformational Leadership, Emotional Intelligence, And Worker Attitudes"). Mr. Detlef Schultz always has a clear idea about his work. For this reason, Mr. Detlef Schultz is always able to communicate positively with his team members and is easily capable of motivating his team me mbers towards the3 target of achieving the organizational goals. He also gives a great support to his team member as a good listener, good communicator and by respecting and encouraging their innovative ideas for achieving the goals more efficiently and effectively (Stempel, Rigotti and Mohr 259-280). For his efficient leadership style or process, the Vodafone Company achieve success on this project. The most important factor behind this success is Mr. Detlef Schultzs interpersonal skills. That is why in the year 2011 he was awarded by Procurement Leader Award. There are 5 types of leadership styles which are exist and utilized by the leaders, managers, etc. in various work environments or organizations. The 5 types of leadership styles are 1) Participative, 2) Autocratic, 3) Laissez-Faire, 4) Transactional and 5) Transformational. According to this research paper, it is seen that the transformational leadership style is appropriate for Mr. Detlef Schultz to adopt at the time of performing the global chain function of Vodafone. This type of leadership style that is the transformational leadership generally depends on the advancement of high-quality communication in the managerial field to meet the targets and achieve the organizational goals. In this type of leadership style, the leaders inspire and motivate their employees. For this reason, the working efficiency and the productivity both are increased rapidly. In this type of leadership style, the most important requirement is the participation and attachment of the management team to mee t the targets and achieve the organizational goals (Antonakis and House 746-771). Generally, the leader and their team are bound to stay together along with the personality and vision of the leader. This personality and vision of the leader will leave a positive impact on their team which helps the leader to acquire or gather respect, trust and high regard or admiration. Some of the times the transformational leadership style is shown like the combination of Democratic leadership and Autocratic leadership. The term autocratic is used because the whole team is working hard in a given tasks to achieve the common goal of the organizations. The team members are also allowed to give their opinions to achieve that particular goal. Mr. Detlef Schultz encourages his team members to enhance their creativity in their jobs and motivate them to achieve the goals (de Vries 809-821). According to this case study, Mr. Detlef Schultz always encourages and gives a great support to his team member in dividually as a good listener to the ideas of their team members, as a good communicator and by giving direct appreciation and respect to their contributions towards fulfilling the job and achieving the organizational goals. Mr. Detlef Schultz always has a clear idea about his work. For this reason, Mr. Detlef Schultz is always able to communicate positively with his team members and is easily capable of motivating his team members towards the3 target of achieving the organizational goals. According to the case study, Mr. Detlef Schultz becomes the role mole of their team member and easily gathered their trust and respect (Goldsmith, Baldoni, and McArthur). For this reason, it becomes easy for Mr. Detlef Schultz to communicate with his team members without any hesitation and motivate them to achieve their expected goals. Therefore according to this research paper, it can be said that the transformational leadership style is suitable for Mr. Detlef Schultz because he always encourage s his team members to enhance their creativity in their jobs and motivate them to achieve the goals. He also gives a great support to his team member as a good listener, good communicator and by appreciating their innovative ideas for achieving the goals more efficiently and effectively. Mr. Detlef Schultz inspires and motivates their employees (Hamad). For this reason, the working efficiency of the team members and the productivity level both are increased rapidly. According to the research paper, it can be said that Mr. Detlef Schultz will require Cramer's seven skill of leadership or managing the supply chain transformational project which is launched by Vodafone make it a great success. In the recent days, the organizations like Vodafone are getting more smarter than before about to improve their working style, to improve their professional skills and the interactions which occur between the employees or the team members. It is the fact that most of the leaders of any organization are affected by the lack of critical skills (Hawkins). Those leaders are unaware about how they should communicate with their employees or team members properly. Those leaders also dont know how they should listen and appreciate their employees or team members. According to this research paper, Mr. Detlef Schultz is already aware of this skills that why he always maintain a good relationship with his team members and can able to built an efficient team to fulfill t he work and achieve a great success for Vodafone which can help them to meet their goals. A company always faces some critical problems or issues due to transformational leadership are basically known as Transformational problems (Jogulu 705-719). Before the joining of Mr. Detlef Schultz, the Vodafone Company also face such type of transformational problems. This type of issues that is the transformational problems are generally related to the culture, behavior and attitudes of the company towards their clients, customers and employees also. According to the research paper, Mr. Detlef Schultz is a transformational leader. Like other transformational leaders, he must have a clear vision or picture about the interests of the Vodafone Companys stakeholders. Like other transformational leaders, Mr. Detlef Schultz always wants that the company should succeed. He takes the success of the Vodafone Company personally. For that reason, he always creates a working pressure and pushes his team members to complete the project (Sethuraman and Suresh). As an efficient leader, it is not appropriate and accepted that he should consider company's success as his own success. As a transformational leader, Mr. Detlef Schultz always inspires and motivate his team members and explain to them that how should they able to improve their performance by the help of education and training. Like another transformational leader Mr. Detlef Schultz sometimes take some risks for achieving the innovation ("Leadership Styles" 177). However, sometimes too much risk which is taken by the leader can be harmful and disruptive to the organization. The transformational leaders trained their team members to work all together as a team but the leaders always focus on the individual needs of the team members. According to the research study Mr. Detlef Schultz also conscious about the individual needs of the team members. For this reason, some of the times the balance of the group needs get hampered. Due to this reason sometimes the working efficiency and the productivity of the work is decreased. Conclusion After analyzing the entire research paper it can be concluded that no doubt Mr. Detlef Schultz is a good and efficient leader. For his high-level interpersonal skills the Vodafone Company achieve success on their project of transforming the supply chain. Mr. Detlef Schultz nicely guides and trained his team members that they should able to provide efficient and effective outcomes of the project. Mr. Detlef Schultz encourages his team members to enhance their creativity in their jobs and motivate them to achieve the goals. Mr. Detlef Schultz always maintains a good relationship with his team members and can able to built an efficient team to fulfill the work and achieve a great success for Vodafone which can help them to meet their goals. References Antonakis, J., and House, R. (2014). 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