Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Battle Of Iwo Jima - 1732 Words

The Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the most costly battles of the Pacific theatre of WWII. The fighting was fought in February and March, 1945. About 6,800 U. S. Marines and other military personnel lost their lives in seizing the island from the Japanese. The Japanese losses were estimated at more than 21,000. The American victory at Iwo Jima provided American air units with the first base inside Japanese territory. This allowed American Bombers to cause major damage to Japans industrial factories. On the 15 of June, 1944, the Iwo Jima was being bombarded by the navy. Along with Heavy Air raids from the Air Force. So technically the attack started 9 months before the actual Invasion. Each of the major warships was assigned†¦show more content†¦Which was made up of big rocks, volcanic ash. Which put the Marines at a disadvantage, not allowing them to dig in or build foxholes to take cover from enemy fire. The only good thing that came out the ash was that it absorbed some fragments from Japanese artillery. The Japanese heavy artillery in Suribachi was reinforced with steel doors and would only open them to fire, and then would closed them immediately to prevent receiving damage from the Marines and naval gunners. This made it a challenge for American units to destroy the heavily fortified Japanese artillery position. To make things harder for the Marines, the bunkers were connected to tunnel systems so that the Japanese bunkers that got cleared with flamethrowers and grenades were re-occupied by the Japanese troops moving through the tunnels. This tactic used by the Japanese caused many casualties to the Marines, as they walked past the bu nkers they thought were cleared. Didn’t expect to take fire from the enemy. The Marines would cautiously and slowly advance while taking heavy machine gun and artillery fire. With the arrival and help of armored tanks, and heavy naval artillery and aerial bombing on Mount Suribachi, the Marines were able to advance past the beaches with a lot less stress. With previous experience, the Marines expected the same Banzai Charge in the middle of the night. This had been a standard attack plan for the Japanese, but were not orderedShow MoreRelatedThe Battle Of Iwo Jima1702 Words   |  7 Pageshe Battle of Iwo Jima was one of the bloodiest and fiercest battles of the Second World War in which the US Armed Forces captured the Iwo Jima Island from the Japanese. More than 6800 American servicemen lost their lives in the battle and thus the battle has come to known as the deadliest battle in Marine Corps history. Iwo Jima was an island strategically positioned and highly fortified as its three airfields were used to stage attacks on the US at the Pacific War. 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